In study after study it's…


In study after study it's been demonstrated that building more roads doesn't ease traffic congestion – rather, it leads to more traffic. I own a car, but only use it to go out of town. Otherwise I bike. In my biking career I've been doored and hospitalized, I've been hit head-on by a car making a left turn who didn't see me, I've been run over by cars turning right who had passed me mere seconds earlier. And still I prefer to bike. My body feels better for it, I can accurately time how long it will take me to get someplace, every mile I travel is pollution-free, and I remain a social part of the world around me, which isn't the case if I'm enclosed in my car.

The bike lanes make commuting by bike easier and safer. And I'm well aware that when I'm sharing the road with cars, they are impeded (and sometimes dangerously frustrated) by having to go around me. I wish more people could bike, not fewer. Please don't strip this much needed resource of bike lanes off our roads. It's a shameful proposition.