This Bill is a blatant…


This Bill is a blatant attack on environmental protection and responsibility driven by nothing but ideology and greed. Stripping residents of their fundamental rights and legislating "your way or the highway" with no evidence is autocratic and juvenile.

Why after highway 413 has been deemed unfeasible for years has this cabinet decided to ressurect it and why is it so important to Doug Ford to build that he's gone to court, and is now trying to sneak in a Bill that makes it impossible to prevent?

Ontario is experiencing a housing and affordability crisis that has people dying in the streets... yet Bill 212 removes thousands of already approved units from the stock because bike lanes are causing congestion??

Why does it ensure that Highway 413 is guaranteed to cut through the very same Greenbelt we exposed this government for selling to the highest bidder? Are your landowner buddies and developer buddies itching to have prime land and real estate along a new highway which guarantees first dibs?

This is some of the most disgusting and blatant nepotism and ignorance I have ever seen. You should be ashamed.