As someone who lives 4 hours…


As someone who lives 4 hours away from Toronto, I am perplexed by this bill that will seemingly be used to justify ripping up bike lanes in Toronto. Why should provincial tax dollars be used in this manner? Especially considering the price tag will be in the millions.

As a law abiding resident, I question the legitimacy of a provincial government overturning the will of a council and citizens of a city. This amounts to government over reach in my opinion.

As someone who often commutes on a bike, I am frustrated by the lack of cycling infrastructure in my own city. This will only serve as yet another barrier in municipal governments implementing proper infrastructure to keep cyclists safe.

Finally, based on all evidence I have come across and the glaring lack of evidence put forward by this government, bicycle lanes actually helps traffic congestion by taking cars off the road. More people who feel safe cycling, will choose a bike over a car. Those cyclist who still decide to bike, will be forced to take up a lane. This will cause more congestion.

Worse than this, it will increase the risk of injury to cyclists. More cyclist will get injured by cars. More cyclist will die as a result of this.

These increased injuries and deaths will be at the hands of this government. Is that worth the price of perceived improved traffic flow?