I'm opposed to Bill 212 and…


I'm opposed to Bill 212 and its framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.

Will lead to deaths: It is a proven fact that Bike lanes save lives. Removing bike lane will result in fatalities. There are many factors legislators can't control, but in this case voting for Bill 212 will result in someone's death.

Will not achieve state goal: The stated reason for removing or limiting bike lanes is false. Bike lanes don't cause traffic, they reduce traffic.

Not a solution: Ontario cities are growing and more cars is not a solution. People who move to cities need to be supported with a variety of safe and ample transportation options, especially cycling, which doesn't pollute and create CO2 emissions like cars do.

Provincial overreach: Bill 212 is provincial overreach. Municipalities across the province should have the power to make decisions about bike lanes – those are the people who live there and know what's best for their own city – especially how they want their city to grow, how they want to promote healthy lifestyles and provide more transport options for kids, families and seniors. Not everyone can afford a vehicle or use transit when it's open due to work or caregiving. They need bike lanes to get home and go to work.

I strongly urge that Bill 212 be rejected.