I am absolutely and…


I am absolutely and resolutely against passing this bill. I am a resident in the City of Toronto, I work in Healthcare as a Registered Social Worker, and I commute to work using the Bloor/Danforth bike lane everyday. I travel from Landsdowne to Victoria Park, on the bike lane the whole ride. If this bill passes, my commute will become much more dangerous, and I may start driving a car, adding to congestion on the roads. Bike lines are life saving technologies that support multiple forms of commuting, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, creates healthier and happier citizens and cities, and reduces traffic congestion as people have a safe option to commute by bike rather than car (and many of us choose this option). The millions of dollars that would be used to remove bike lanes could be better spent on housing, healthcare, education, and other important public services that are deeply needed now more than ever. In addition, the congestion caused by months and months of bike lane deconstruction will be pointless, frustrating, polluting, and avoidable. Please do not take away our bike lanes, after a decades long battle to install them. They are so important to so many of us, and they save lives.