I live in Toronto. I am a…


I live in Toronto. I am a driver and a pedestrian. I am NOT a cyclist. That said, the cycle lanes NEED TO STAY.

Firstly, spending millions of dollars to remove bike lanes already in existence in Toronto is absurd. It's a massive waste of public funds and will absolutely lead to the deaths of cyclists. Further, if all the reader of this comment cares about are cars and drivers, then please also understand that removing the cycles lanes will only lead to worse outcomes for city traffic. It will force those cyclists who no longer feel safe back into their cars, meaning more cars on the roads and therefore more traffic. And it will also force the remaining cyclists back into traffic with the cars, slowing car traffic as cars get stuck behind the cyclists or struggle to get around them. It will lead to cyclist deaths when cars get impatient and also more car-on-car collisions as drivers of huge SUVs misjudge how much space they have to get around.


Secondly, given the province's obsession with removing the cycle lanes that already exist, they should absolutely not be given the final say in whether or not communities are able to implement them. The province is clearly looking for the power to ban all cycle lanes. Communities should retain the power to make their streets safe in the way that is best for the community.