Premier - It is known…


Premier - It is known worldwide that the answer to grid lock, as well as safety risks for pedestrians and cyclists is not to add more cars to the road, but to build better, cleaner, safer ways for people to move around the city. Toronto and other cities in Ontario have been building cycling infrastructure and have plans to increase that to ensure increased safety, peace of mind for drivers, and to encourage more people to get out of their cars and take other forms of transit. it is the way of the future for reasonable, progressive cities and countries around the world who care about their citizens, communities and the environment. it is also the way of the world for cities who support small and medium size businesses, who as you know, are supportive of bike lanes and have continued to share positive news about the impact of bike lanes on their businesses.

if you, Premier Ford, would like to invest millions of dollars in Toronto's road safety and efficiency, you should invest it in improving TTC, completing the Eglington LRT, promoting active transportation. You should NOT invest millions of dollars to rip out new cycling infrastructure that i and my fellow tax payers have paid for, and you do NOT have our support to use our tax payer money to do so.

My blood, my friends, my kids blood will be on your hands Premier Ford, as emboldened anti-bike drivers continue to get more aggressive on the roads, with no protected lanes for us to ride. It occurs to me that this is a premeditated act putting people in harms way....... I think there are laws against this, no? What will your remarks be at the press conference after the next cycling death??

I'll also point out that the bizarre attack on cycling infrastructure is so blatantly a distraction for the outrageously short sighted and heavy handed anti-future generation destruction of the Greenbelt, its bizarre. It's confusing to me, and many other, that your team would willfully ignore science, experts, laypeople's opinions all for the sake of lining a few developers pockets with MY hard earned taxes. Shameful.

As much as you have painted this as a lefty vs righty issue, it is not. this is about the safety of our residents across the province, and future of our environment for our kids and theirs to come. Please reconsider - there are very few people in your corner on this issue.