City infrastructure is the…


City infrastructure is the business of city voters and taxpayers, not the province. This sets a dangerous precedent of provincial overreach.

As a taxpayer and Toronto resident:
I feel very strongly the roads and infrustructure within the city ARE THE SOLE CONCERN OF TORONTO TAXPAYERS AND VOTERS AND THAT THE PROVINCE HAS NO BUSINESS TELLING TORONTO VOTERS AND RESIDENTS WHAT TO DO OR HOW TO RUN OUR INFRASTRUCTURE. I very much doubt folks in barrie or oshawa would take too kindly to provincial leaders based in Toronto telling them how to run their cities.

Just because Toronto is the provincial seat does not mean we have taxation without representation like the district of columbia (washington DC) in the US.

As a user of roads and bike lanes:
As a daily, all season bike commuter, the lanes on bloor from High park to University prove extremely helpful, especially when the weather turns. That said, any continuous, traffic separated, east-west bike lane(say a block off bloor or on dupont) would work well- it doesn't have to be bloor or university, and may work better if it weren't

As a driver who regularly goes to downtown, Its not at all clear to me that gridlock on Bloor or University got any worse as a result of the lanes-- its always been a no-go most weekdays during rush hour. It does make truck deliveries harder on local businesses, but this is a city and cities have those difficulties regardless.