Why is this bill actually…


Why is this bill actually happening? This country needs FEWER incentives for people to drive individual vehicles.

Fact-based evidence clearly shows that reducing/denying bike lanes doesn’t improve gridlock, all over North America. More roads for cars equals expensive maintenance, and minimal extra space for vehicles anyways, effectively doing nothing to reduce gridlock and eating more of taxpayers’ dollars. What research has actually been done about this?

Do we not want our cyclists to be safe? Do we not want to incentivize a non-polluting mode of transportation? Why are municipalities (the ones who ACTUALLY know their constituents’ needs) not allowed to decide if they need bike lanes or not?

The money used to fund MPPs and their debates on this bill, as well as research consultants, public servants, and construction workers should have been used to subsidize new public transit options or improve existing ones; expand GO service to London, Kitchener, Barrie, and beyond, or install LRT options in small cities surrounding the GTA. If not public transit, this money could be used to improve the healthcare system that is in shambles. Anything that actually serves the province.

This bill WREAKS of ulterior motive and being out of touch with voters’ needs, and makes me disappointed to have EVER voted PC. What an absolute waste of time and resources to be pulling power away from municipalities for this.

I have chosen not to add links to the research/papers I have referred to on this one- this is YOUR JOB AS THE PROVINCE TO BE DOING YOUR OWN RESEARCH.