PECFN has had experience…

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Prince Edward County Field Naturalists

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PECFN has had experience with the Ontario policies on Endangered Species, specifically the Blanding’s turtle and Whip-Poor-Will.
If you would like the reasoning for our recommendations you may refer to the extensive MOEC files of the Ostrander Point Tribunal.
1. Repeal the 2013 exemptions for the forestry, hydro, mining, wind and commercial development industries;
2. Amend section 57(1)1 of the ESA so that any future exemptions cannot jeopardize the recovery of endangered and threatened species;
3. Maintain mandatory habitat protection for endangered and threatened species. (The law already provides enough flexibility through habitat regulations and permitting, so there’s no need to politicize the process by adding ministerial discretion);
4. Maintain COSSARO’s current species listing process, “based on the best available scientific information, including information obtained from community knowledge and aboriginal traditional knowledge” (ESA, section 5 (3)); and
5. Require compensation that results in a direct overall benefit to affected species where harmful activities are permitted. (Do not allow proponents of harmful activities to bypass protections by simply paying into a fund.)