I am a Doug Ford supporter…

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I am a Doug Ford supporter to start with , and this is a VERY important issue we have to deal with . The last provincial Government was totally useless in protecting any wildlife or environment that would make any impact at all. So here is a no brainer Doug , Change the laws on the Endangered Species Act to really make a difference and while your at it put in some MUCH larger penalties for abusers of dogs and cats . This is long over do .The Ontario public has been demanding some action for years , do the RIGHT THING and help the animals and make people who think it's OK to torture and abuse animals , they will pay dearly for that . Big fine and mandatory jail time for a start . Show the people and wildlife you do care Doug . Prove you are the man for this job . Be part of the solution not part of the problem . NO EXEMPTIONS PERIOD . Save the habitat so the animals just don't survive but thrive . It's time Doug !