it is inappropriate for…

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it is inappropriate for government to oppose the environment (and the creatures we share it with).

Do you ant to make endangered species MORE endangered?I hope not! And yet, that's what the Ford government is trying to do. They're trying to mask the actual intent of their actions by subtitling their discussion paper "Protecting and Recovering Species at Risk in Ontario." But dig past the fluff at the beginning, and you see the real agenda in Area of Focus 4 - Authorization Processes. The "challenges" raised by the Ford government include " Authorization processes can create significant administrative burdens and delays, in particular for applicants filing numerous authorizations or registrations under the rules-in-regulations, for routine activities" and "The requirements that applicants must fulfill to obtain an authorization can be extensive, creating barriers to economic development." The "questions" that follow open the door to allowing Ford and his cronies - recently rebuffed at their attempts to start developing the Greenbelt - to permit habitat eradication in exchange for donations to some general fund.

This is an example of how Ford & co "think" - put a bit of money in the kitty, then trample over regulations that protect against rapacious development.

I can't believe this ill-intentioned dullard is our Premier. He is an embarrassment to Ontarians,and a threat to the environment (which has enough problems without Dumpty and his cronies piling on.