By removing or reducing…

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By removing or reducing these measures taken to protect endangered species to instead find “efficiencies for businesses” is absurd. Our main priority should be the protection of our environment and ALL living species within it. When we give business and corporations advantages -by overlooking the serious and devastating consequences reduced protective measures would have on endangered species and the environment- the Ford government is essentially saying they do not care about our province beyond their term in office. With data demonstrating the impacts of climate change on our environment, and the Ford government's promotion of frankly asinine and anti-environment policies (re: the removal of carbon taxes for businesses etc) we should be looking at ways to protect and support the many different species, and ecosystems in Ontario.

Without protective measures for endangered species, we could experience real consequences- we are in a position where we can work to sustain the longevity of these ecosystems and its endangered species or we could do what makes a quick buck.

Frankly, as a resident of Ontario I am appalled by the thoughtlessness of creating policy which offers less protection for endangered species. I am in support of policy that offers to ensure that these measure are regulated and enforced and that the environment is not destroyed for mere greed.

Thank you for your time.