Ontario's forest sector is a…


Ontario's forest sector is a very important part to my family, community, region and extends to far reaching borders. My family has been involved in harvesting in the Algoma region of Ontario for almost 50 years. My current role with a panel board mill connects all the integrated parts from the stump through to laminated MDF. The future management of our forests and its world class operations play an integral role in the future of a global leading forestry company that is not only reinvesting current operations, but also building new facilities. Providing some certainty within an industry already faced with a multitude of challenges would be a great help, thus a 5-year extension as opposed to the 2-year proposition would provide the time required to make informed decisions. The establishment of a Panel, comprised of those who will be directly impacted by decisions if of utmost importance - industry, Indigenous, communities - those who when the dust settles have to put boots on the ground and make this work. Ontario has a great forest resource, managed to world class standards that produces quality, renewable products and a regulation under the ESA to allow companies and forest managers to continue to provide for species at risk under one act, the CFSA, while an independent panel is formed to develop a long-term approach that protects species at risk and their habitat and minimizes impacts to the forest industry. The industry already faces a multitude of challenges and a final decision by March 30th would provide some guidance for the forest sector moving forward.

[Original Comment ID: 213064]