1. Reducing the total # of…

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1. Reducing the total # of party hunters to 10, should be abandoned. Nothing wrong with the current regs
2. Reducing the distance to 3km, should be abandoned - current use of 5 km is adequate, considering the current range of radios in the field.
3. Eliminating group applications should be abandoned - current group applications work fine, so long as the change to criteria for "longest without a tag" is used to help those of us that have hunted for 30 years & have only had an adult tag once.
4. Reducing the gun tags to accommodate bow tags shouldn't proceed - there is precious little opportunity for gun tags as it is.
5. Agree that the Northern resident priority be dropped.
6. Agree that relative of residents, should not have priority over resident hunters.
7. Disagree with this - Moose hunting licence: Change the moose hunting licence to a product that allows hunting of moose but does not come with a tag that would allow the harvest of a moose. This would allow applicants who are unsuccessful in, or who do not apply to, the tag allocation process to party hunt for moose on another hunter’s tag.
8. Disagree with this, without rational being supplied - Allow a hunter to apply to the moose tag allocation process with a modest application fee. The hunter would not be required to purchase their moose hunting licence to apply for a tag.