The National Golf Course…

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Commentaire fait au nom

National Golf Course Owners Association of Canada

Statut du commentaire


The National Golf Course Owners Association Canada (NGCOA Canada) with 3 Ontario Chapters (Southwestern, Central Ontario and Eastern Ontario/Outaouais Chapters) fully support the proposed Amendment to the Ontario Pesticide Act, regulation 63/09 to eliminate the need for a public meeting hosted by the golf course. The direct feedback we have received by hundreds of our members throughout the province is that no one was attending these annual IPM public meetings, and the required advertising efforts associated with these meetings (including ads in local newspapers, direct mailing, and staff time to hand deliver invitations) negatively impacts their financial bottom line. Our members are upstanding and dedicated business men and women in all communities across the province; they have the best interest of their local community in mind; and always want to be supportive and transparent to their friends, family and of course the golfers in their local community. The raw data and overall usage at the golf course that is available at these public meetings (which no one attends) is already available online at any time, and the local community is always welcome to come and discuss any concerns they may have in person with the golf course owners and operators. The elimination of hosting the annual IPM public meeting, simply is removing an unneeded step in the education process, and eliminating this unneeded business expense