As a non resident property…

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As a non resident property owner for over 15 years I strongly disagree with your proposal to require non residents property owners to go through licensed outfitters for bear hunting.
As a property owner I pay over $1000.00/yr on property taxes which supports your local communities. In addition I've taken an old neglected farm and spent thousands of dollars in improvements on the home plus reworked the neglected fields. We have dedicated over 9 acres to wildlife food plots for which deer, bear and all other wildlife feed on a daily bases. In addition to over 20 acres now being farmed by locals. The cost to maintain food plot fields is well over $1000/yr. We purchase food, supplies as well as dinning out on weekends when we visit though out the summer. This in addition to the $225/each for licenses. We have seen absolutely no decline in bear or deer population if anything the numbers are thriving. We shoot only mature bear and deer. The age of bear taken is over 12 years old. The deer are at least 4 years old. If you pass these types of regulations why would I continue to dedicate my time and money to continue providing these sanctuaries for the wildlife. In addition why would I continue to frequent your local businesses on weekends. I strongly urge you not require property owners hunt bear through outfitters. The results would negatively effect the wildlife and bushiness in our area.