I am strongly opposed to the…

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I am strongly opposed to the Spring Bear Hunt. It should be stopped completely. I have had enough of wild animals in this province being treated as a ‘resource’. Science has proven that these are sentient beings - not objects for us to kill, torment and torture. Public sentiment is turning against this type of treatment of all animals. It is time for this province to join the 21st century and to take a proactive and progressive leadership role in protecting wildlife. Instead it wants to appease hunters by making the Spring bear hunt permanent. I say an emphatic NO to the hunt.

Additionally -

In order to prevent poaching, cruelty to animals and illegally hunting, the Ontario Government needs to hire more people for enforcement, this province needs more Conservation Officers.

Bears (a few individuals) do occasionally prey on moose calves but this is “not" common.

The best way to reduce human/bear conflicts is to manage people by making them manage their food waste.

Females with cubs must be protected; currently that is difficult as cubs are frequently treed or kept away by their mother while she forages.

If you have to continue with hunting bears
The current season of May 1 to June 15 should be changed to June 1 to June 30 to protect females with cubs as well as the cubs themselves.

Baiting must end (how is this fair?!) I guess there is not fair in life especially that of animals just trying to exist while humans infringe constantly on their territory and more stringent limits must be put in place to protect recreationalists, drivers, property owners, pets and others from bait piles that attract wildlife.

There should be strong deterrents and heavy fines for infractions and breaking laws regarding wildlife. This includes types of bait, traps, poaching, cruelty etc.

The Government must consider the impact of a spring bear hunt on other recreationalists’ safety, freedom to explore and expectations, as bear hunters in the spring make up a very small percentage of people enjoying the outdoors in Ontario.

The use of hounds/dogs to chase, tree and/or otherwise harass bears should be immediately halted. Like fox hunting the more enlightened realize the cruelty of this disgusting habit and have put an end to it.
if one must kill it should be done quickly and humanly not some poor animal being chased and tortured for human pleasure. Seriously we do this for pleasure???? What kind of society are wwe, that finds this fun