I strongly disagree with…

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Grand Council Treaty 3

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I strongly disagree with reinstating the spring bear hunt. I've guided Non resident hunters that were hunting bear in the spring, I know that it's illegal to shoot a bear with cubs, but some non-resident hunters do not wait to see if the bear coming into bait has cubs or not. I've had hunters just see black and shoot. Then we are looking at having the cubs destroyed or trying to locate a zoo that would be willing on taking them. Most of the time if a sow bear with cubs is shot, MNRF will never know about it....because the guide or outfitter will cover it up, so that their guests don't get into trouble. I've seen it!!! They just destroy the cubs as well....to hide the evidence of someone spotting a orphan cub and then having MNRF investigate the occurrence. There are not enough Conservation Officers out on the land.....and I know that if the spring bear hunt is reinstated that some bears will suffer. MNRF has to stop managing resources to satisfy industries need to make profit and to create jobs or create revenue for government....