MZOs have been repeatedly…


MZOs have been repeatedly used by the Province to bypass the input of residents, their elected municipal officials, and municipal planners. These are the peoples whose views and voices matter, and should guide policy and planning in the urban environment. The municipal planners in the City of Toronto have established well thought out, sustainable ways to achieve densification and development of affordable housing, in consultation with residents, and working for the long term benefit of the community. The Province has repeatedly tried to circumvent these plans, not for the benefit
of Torontonians, nor the benefit of Ontarians. The beneficiaries have been a small number of developers and the politicians whom they support.

The Province is not qualified to make these decisions. They are not invested in the future of Ontarians or Torontonians. Not only should this proposal to expand the Province ability to issue MZOs be withdrawn, the Province should commit to respect the communities of Toronto and the rights of the citizens, their elected officials and the professionals in the Municipalities.