ERO number 019-3471:…

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ERO number 019-3471: Eliminating Renewable Energy Requirements:

This letter is regarding the proposal to repeal provisions that prioritize renewable energy in the Electricity Act and the Ontario Energy Board Act. This proposal is very concerning for several reasons but I will point out a few:

1. As declared by hundreds of jurisdictions (including several in Ontario), we are in a climate emergency. I have an infant and a 6 year old and am extremely concerned for their future given the loss of species, sea level rise, increase in costly disasters, security threats, and mass migration that will be caused by unchecked emissions in their lifetimes. Since the Ford government came into power, my anxiety has gotten exceedingly worse as emissions increase with green contracts cancelled, land use improperly managed with excessive MZOs, lack of public consultations, and now this proposal to inevitably increase gas fired power. I truly am shocked at the level of disregard for future generations.

2. Canada has set a target to decrease emissions by 40-45% by 2030, this proposal will make that target impossible while also making Ontario less competitive as the rest of the world moves forward with renewables.

3. The recent report by the International Energy Agency (IEA)[1] has essentially said that any new fossil fuel investments as of this year will be junk investments at high risk of becoming stranded assets. This international and influential agency has declared that renewable energy technologies like solar and wind are the key to reducing emissions in the electricity sector. As a government who alleges to be fiscally responsible, investing in gas fired electricity is not a sound investment.

As an alternative to gas fired plants, we could prioritize the development of clean renewable energy – both within Ontario and by connecting Ontario to Quebec hydro power. This has multiple benefits for the citizens of Ontario.

Reduce electricity rates. Onshore wind and solar are now the lowest cost sources of new electricity supply in most countries and are predicted to keep falling as economies of scale are achieved. Nuclear power plants are notoriously expensive whereas Quebec Hydro power is offered at a cost of 5c per kwh - this is cheaper than the 9.6c per kwh for nuclear energy, a cost that is projected to rise to pay for the refurbishment of nuclear power plants.

Remain competitive in the energy marketplace. By prioritizing renewable energy, Ontario could position itself as a clean energy leader. The United States is investing heavily in renewables and we do not want to fall behind our peers.

Co-benefits of cleaner air. Renewable energy has the added benefit of reducing air pollution, thereby improving the health of Ontarians and reducing increasingly costly public health expenditure.

In conclusion, I sincerely urge the provincial government to reconsider this proposal. For all of us with children or grandchildren who do not have a say in these decisions and yet will be the ones who live with them, it is imperative that we prioritize clean energy on their behalf.