I have reviewed the report…

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I have reviewed the report submitted by the Panel of Independent Experts assembled by the Professional Geoscientists for the Ontario Ministry of Conservation and Parks. I have also reviewed Blue Tritions's (Nestles) Monitoring reports from their Erin site from 2015-2020 and attended all their annual NWC Annual Technical Engagement workshops.

Living in the community of Puslinch I have found Triton(Nestles) to be an integral part of our community over the past 22 years as a major employer which operates in a transparent and sustainable manner and supports the community both in kind and through monetary donations.

I totally agree with the findings of the Panel of Independent Experts and what the science is showing that, "bottled water takings are not impacting the sustainability of ground water resources in Ontario"
Therefore, I totally support the granting of a permit to Trition to take water at the Erin site under similar regulations which are required by other water takers.

D. C McKay PhD, MBA
Wellington County Councillor Ward 7