A few comments regarding the…

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A few comments regarding the new regulatory requirements.

1. These requirements are very heavy handed for a lot of residential development/reconstruction projects, I believe taking more time to assess the actual needs in problematic areas should be highly considered before any implementation of these regulations. In largely rural areas, all this is doing is skyrocketing construction costs on the backs of tax payers for absolutely no reason at all.

2. There is no consistency on any of the requirements from what I have read and been experiencing with new and ongoing projects. It is all convoluted lawyer language in the documents which makes it difficult for any contractor understand and stay consistent on. Please take time to make these requirements easy and straight forward for everyone to understand what the reasoning is behind doing this (The "why" is very important). From our perspective, it is a huge cost burden for no reason other than lining pockets of geotechnical companies and slowing down construction activities in a low margin, highly competitive industry.

3. These regulations are very unnecessary in most of the province. This is inflating construction costs artificially for no reason. Why is it just Ontario this is happening in? Why let a few bad apples from 30-40 years ago ruin and confuse things for the rest? Is construction that bad in the province or is it just because Ontario likes to be 'different' with no justification of the actual rules set forth?