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I strongly disagree with this plan. It will makes the city become more crowded, and it will effect our enviroment as well. on the onther hand, Canada president want us to pay super high carbon tax for the fuel in order to reduce the carbon in our enviroment. So, if we cut off those green belt to builder more house. whats the point to pay carbon tax?

Our current governor is a good leader in some area, but he is beaking his promise and declaration, he promised that he won‘’t touch the green belt when he was elected. That's one of the important reanson that many people vote him. Now he betrays his voter, his people.

If this plan is going to happen, there will be more traffic, will be more crowded, our air quality will be wrose, then our president will ask for more carbon tax.

We should say no to him, we should protect our enviroment where our kids and family is living.