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I strongly disagree with removing any lands from the Greenbelt at all - the environmental impact is immeasurable. What are you plans for ensuring flood mitigation? Food security in the some of the best arable land in Canada? How will you mitigate the pollution and effect on the ecosystem? Will these lands be developed as single family homes that require cars? I don't trust that this land will be developed sustainably, even if this proceeds. It is deeply concerning that the proposal is for 7400 acres for a meager 50,000 homes.

We should be focusing on managing our cities and building mid-level density in suburbs and higher level density near city cores - particularly rental properties. This government's close relationship with developers is disturbing and should not be impacting planning. We should be proceeding with urban planning based on expert advise, not base on how much money these people give to campaigns during elections.

Doug Ford also previously stated that the Greenbelt was untouchable but apparently had been privately advising developers that he will open it up. How can someone behaving this way be trusted to managed this land appropriately?