First of all, this decision…

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First of all, this decision is contradictory to what Premier stated during their past speeches. Secondly, the housing crisis is created because people are dumping their investment money into properties and purchasing condos (which are considered starter homes) as additional income opportunity (which recently has been challenged due to higher interest rate). This issue is NOT because of availability of land. There are plenty of opportunities to investigate other options but Premier, have selected the most easy and convenient way to "solve" this problem.

Once you build in Greenbelt, the entire city of Toronto and GTA will lose its air filter. This belt has been working as a buffer to ensure we can breath clean air which by the way it is proven that causes health! So you take this piece of future investment away, you will be needing more highways, more transportation corridors and more pollution. Every sane person in this province knows this and you are choosing to ignore it.

There are other options at the table, please chose a harder more long-term plan than this! A long term plan will create facilities for investment in real industry for people with high returns to lure them out of housing bubble. Every economist is pointing to the over-heated GTA housing. A harder plan will include fast transit for GTA and cities nearby like Waterloo to give fast access to people so they can go further. A harder plan will work with existing land in Toronto to increase vertically to reduce human footprint in areas where animal are taking refuge (aka Greenbelt). We owe it to the animals. We are the carer of them in every religion, we are the ones that need to care.

I am most upset with this decision and would like a reversal. Yes, harder way works too and believe will give Premier more credibility!

Citizen of Toronto (M4M) who enjoys the beauty of Greenbelt.