Protection of Greenbelt…

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Protection of Greenbelt lands is critical to ensuring Ontario's resiliency in the face of unstable global food markets and climate change. Greenbelt agricultural lands must be protected and expanded to the greatest extent possible to ensure a domestic food supply in the face of global food shortages and impacts and interruptions to international trade. Greenbelt lands are the best land resource in Ontario to support domestic agriculture, and Provincial self sufficiency. Allowing development into the greenbelt directly compromises our provonce's ability to adapt to this increasing instability and leaves the citizens of ontario vulnerable to international trade and import shortages, as has been seen during the pandemic and more recently as a result of the war in Ukraine. There are no other lands in Ontario that are as productive and well suited for agriculture as the greenbelt. Do not allow development into the Greenbelt. Proect , expand and restore agricultural lands to ensure our Province's future food supply resiliency. Do not set a precedent for overturning established greenbelt protection policies, this will pave the way for future actions and development into these prime agricultural lands.