Dear Minister Calandra, The…


Dear Minister Calandra,

The Township of Ramara has reviewed the proposed Bill 185 Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024) and the Updated Draft Provincial Planning Statement. The Township is submitting the following comments for consideration:

Removing Barriers for Additional Residential Units ERO 019-8366

The Township of Ramara has reviewed the discussion questions outlined in the above ERO regarding any perceived barriers for the development of ARUs or any suggested changes to support the development of ARUs.

The Township has updated the additional residential unit policies within the Township Official Plan and Zoning By-laws and have not perceived issues regarding the development of these units. The legislation for urban parcels of land has been carried to all residential zones, with the exception of permitting only one additional residential unit in our Shoreline Areas to reduce intensification along our lakes and waterways. The additional residential units are written to follow the same zoning and setback requirements of the current zones and there is a requirement of one additional parking space per unit. Township Council is considering a Zoning By-law Amendment at the end of May to remove minimum dwelling sizes in the Zoning By-law that are more restrictive than the Ontario Building Code.

Additional Residential Unit permits have been issued and properties within the Township have been able to meet the zoning requirements, lot coverage and servicing options for the land. The Township has not implemented any additional setbacks for dwellings with additional units or any other more restrictive policies for the units, which has resulted in a positive outcome for the municipality.


Walied Zekry
Director of Building and Planning
Chief Building Official