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Does this proposal imply that the expected population increase will all wish to live in suburbs? The suburbs are the least efficient form of land use for housing and the most expensive in terms of maintenance of roads and utilities. Lire davantage

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We do not need to be developing anymore greenspace in this province. We have plenty of underdeveloped land within city limits already. This is the first option we should be looking at, not clearing what little greenspace we have left in the southern part of the province.

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Used to be a PC supporter in my riding of Simcoe-Grey, but as the environment is a top issue for me I will unquestionably be reconsidering and probably vote Lib/NDP in next election.

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As per the Report of the Ontario Housing Affordability Task Force, page 10: "But a shortage of land isn’t the cause of the problem. Land is available, both inside the existing built-up areas and on undeveloped land outside greenbelts. We need to make better use of land. Zoning defines what Lire davantage

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Not only is the paving over the greenbelt short-sighted in terms of protecting the environment, and thus, our domestic food supply; but building there also contributes towards urban sprawl. Sprawl is not cheap. Lire davantage

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It is so frustrating to hear that once again developers are winning and finding a government willing to back track on its promises to not open up the greenbelt. Lire davantage

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I have seen Ontario increase the density in cities and it works. In Whitby ON, a dozen old, rundown homes were demolished for a high rise that can house over 100 families. That is the path forward. Lire davantage

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Please for the love of every descendant of the population of Ontario: keep the green belt. It is viral to animal corridors, vital to moraine and lake health and our province is vast enough we do not need to develop it for the sake of one greedy generation. Do the right thing and protect this land.

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I hate that this is happening to Ontario. The Greenbelt is one of the most sacred nature regions and cannot be allowed to have further losses for the sake of biodiversity. This plan isn't the solution to end the housing crisis, it's just a ploy to make developers even more rich.

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This land must NOT be developed. This is irreplaceable wetlands and there is significant long term damage that cannot be replaced by adding land elsewhere. There is so much land in other parts of this province and around the GTA to develop, focus elsewhere. Lire davantage

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Stop building on the Greenbelt. Increase density in existing built-up areas instead. This is environmentally important land that we cannot get back. Stop being short sighted and save the environment for future generations.

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I am sick and tired of conservatives like Doug Ford and his crew lying about any commitment to protecting critical conservation areas and throwing biodiversity to the wind. This move is totally unacceptable and will bite them hard in the next election cycle. Just wait….

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We’re in a climate crisis where we should be re-naturalizing areas for the survival of the human race not eliminating the few areas still naturalized. This is eco-terrorism. Lire davantage