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As a life long resident of this province and now a home owner in Durham region where a large amount of this large is proposed to be changed from green space to more over crowded sprawl I am disgusted and horrified. Lire davantage

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I am against removing the greenbelt. We need more money going to schools and hospitals, not developers making money off of housing that people can't afford. The greenbelt is important to so much wild life and so many people.

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We do not need mansions on the green belt. The answer to the housing crisis is not to create more developments, the solution is to improve rental security and repurpose and change existing infrastructure. Lire davantage

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The last thing we should be worrying about is building more houses for the rich. We need more low income housing in highly populated areas. We need more icu beds and a better education system. We do not need this. This land is protected for a reason and it should stay that way. Lire davantage

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I do not support the current Bill. There is more than enough commercial area that can be revitalized in cities to house people and is more responsible than devastating the green belt. This is an unacceptable over reach by Ford and something he stated he wouldn’t do. Lire davantage

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NOT OKAY. As a voting citizen of Ontario, I do not want this to happen to the Greenbelt. This is an essential part of environment safety and stability and any changes will irreparably damage valuable ecosystems.

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Mr. Ford, you have already screwed up our health care! You are working on destroying our education system! Now you want to destroy our greenbelt! Are you out to destroy our province? Money is definitely the root of all evil and it looks like you have been bitten! Lire davantage

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I would be absolutely disgusted if this is allowed to happen. This would just further show how out of touch our provincial Government is. Destroying our diverse Canadian eco system for little to no true economic value is absurd, especially considering the viability of alternative projects. Lire davantage

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With all we know about the cost of ignoring the environment, how can our government be so ignorant? We need to protect our green space not destroy it so Ford’s buddies can make a buck! Vote Ford out!

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Doug Ford, leave the green belt alone. You promised you would, so stay true to that promise. I won’t argue about how your proposed highway perfectly lines up with land your donors/friends hold. Lire davantage

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This is OUR Ontario- this proposal is devastating to the beautiful conservation area we ALL depend on. It is a farce to believe that immigrants will be able to purchase all these newly constructed homes when they arrive. Lire davantage

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While there is a shortages of housing this is not the solution. The greenbelt will be turned into a place only the wealthiest can afford. That's not what we need right we need housing that everyone can afford. The greenbelt is the greenbelt it's not meant for development. Lire davantage

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This needs to protected land. We need to keep our province balanced. By building into this green space you harm the land and take away from the wild life. Leave the green belt alone. Repurpose empty buildings in the cities.

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The Green Belt must be protected at all costs. Do not change zoning to allow development on the Green Belt. We are in the midst of a total climate catastrophe. The Green space we have is not enough as it is, this area needs to be protected for generations to come. Lire davantage

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It is scandalous to hear that the greenbelt will be given up for development. This is completely against what the greenbelt was supposed to stand for and represent. Be assured that my friends, family and I will not be voting for this government again!!!

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Please do not destroy our green space Doug. Just work on fixing inefficient systems that are already in place and stop wasting money on ineffective commercials that we can all see through. Do you really want to be remembered as the PM who destroyed the beauty of our land? Lire davantage