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I strongly oppose releasing any of the Greenbelt for development. Doug Ford promised he would not do this. This land is essential to our agriculture industry, essential for our watershed, it should not be touched. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt needs to be preserved, there is a reason is was protected in the past. Part of the reason we need more space for home allocation is the lack of legislation protecting homeownership from becoming a profitable business. Lire davantage

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Developing on the green belt is not the solution! We must protect the green spaces within metropolitan areas not only for ourselves, but for future generations! I oppose the development and urge you to seek future-conscious solutions!

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I do not agree with these plans, the greenbelt should be left well alone. Focus instead should be on lowering rent prices, more regulations on rentals, and using the 4 billion dollars that Premier Ford is still sitting on. Lire davantage

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Building on greenspace to increase urban sprawl is a terrible idea. We need intensification of our cities. We need walkable neighbourhoods. We do not need another suburb that you can't get out of without a car.

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This cannot happen. Affordable housing and changes to real estate practices and regulations needs to happen. When people cannot afford to purchase a home or start a family or seek medical care in a reasonable time, this is not a priority. Infuriating.

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Doug Ford is honestly an idiot If he thinks that building this highway is going to profit anyone except him and his comrades. Why don't you focus on creating affordable housing in residential areas that are already existing? Lire davantage

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This proposal does not benefit the public in any way and the profit motive for big developers is clearly the driving motive. I disagree strongly with this proposal and feel that the preservation of our green spaces should be taken very seriously. DO NOT DEVELOP THE GREEN BELT

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I do NOT support the development of housing on ANYWHERE in the greenbelt. This space needs to be protected. 60% of voters did not want you, Doug Ford, re-elected; do right by them. We need more AFFORDABLE housing in sustainable ways, but this is NOT it.

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I am writing to express my opposition to Bill 23 and associated policy proposals that would weaken environmental protections and undermine public involvement in land use planning and decision-making.

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Please do NOT develop any of the proposed land. The greenbelt is such an incredible resource that should not be destroyed just to fill the pocketbooks of politicians and developers. stop destroying our province!

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This is a HORRIBLE idea. There’s a reason why it is a green belt and protected area. Leave it alone and make developers use the already allotted land for affordable housing. Ecologically we need to continue to protect these areas!!!

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I believe the housing is a huge issue in Ontario however, limiting Ontario’s wetlands, and the biodiversity is not the way to go. The protected Greenland as stated by many politicians was to never be developed as a testament to the rich nature within Ontario. Lire davantage

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Destroying an ecosystem in favour of land development and thinking that you can simply replace it with another piece of land is shortsighted and greedy. The Greenbelt was chosen for a reason. This government shouldn’t get away with mortgaging our future for Doug Ford’s present. Lire davantage