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I think this is a terrible idea. Ontario's greenbelt is what makes this province great. It's the Great Outdoors, it's the wildlife, it's the natural beauty. Do not destroy Ontario's greatest asset.

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Doug Ford promised not to open up development on the greenblet. Do not go back on your promise! Please listen to the conservation authorities. We do not need more sprawl, and in the Halton municipal election we voted to increase density and keep our greenbelt in tact. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is an example of this country’s incredibly diverse terrains and ecosystem. It is important to support the environment as much as we can at this time. I am certain I speak for many others who’s favourite part of the year is when we can enjoy local produce. Lire davantage

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The built-up part of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area has a significantly lower average population density than most large world cities. Many main streets and avenues have only single or two-storey structures, even along high-density transit corridors or around higher-order transit stations. Lire davantage

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I am a regular conservative voter, however, this opening of the greenbelt has me thinking to not vote conservative again. Doug Ford promised not to open up development on the greenblet. Do not go back on your promise! Lire davantage

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I completely disagree with any development happening in Greenbelt land. There is so little of this amid the urban sprawl of Southern Ontario that if we co Tinie to bend the rules, we won't be able to come back from it. This land is, and should continue to be, protected.

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As a previous Ontario Citizen. What is proposed will stip the area of the wildlife that lives in the green belt as well as removing the recreational use of that land that directly impacts their mental and physical health. Find another way to make this happen, leave the green space alone.

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This isn't going to solve our housing issue. The proposed development is in an already expensive area, and we need affordable housing. It's not near transit hubs, and it's sacrificing essential protected areas. Lire davantage

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I STRONGLY disagree with the proposal to make amendments to the Greenbelt with the goal of building houses. The Greenbelt is a very important part of Ontario's ecology and is protected for good reason. Lire davantage

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Do not develop the greenbelt! It is a very important and vital part of our greenspace. What we need is densification, not urban sprawl, especially with rising gas prices, people should be focusing on walkable spaces, not isolated suburbs that require cars to go anywhere.

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Hello, As an Ontario citizen, I am against the use of Greenbelt lands for any kind of development. No lands should be removed for residential development at any point in time. Lire davantage

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I am extremely opposed. Not only will this cause more traffic congestion and increased interest rates; It will also remove land that is important for water drainage. Lire davantage