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I truly take pride in myself as a Canadian and Ontarian at our Greenbelt and hate the idea that whenever we need a little extra land we should go right there. This should be a final option and we should exhaust other options first. Lire davantage

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I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed amendments to the greenbelt plan. I am dismayed to see such transparent corruption in our government at a time when climate change is becoming an urgent concern. Lire davantage

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The video from 2018 of a meeting between Premier Ford and developers about opening a chunk of the Greenbelt to build on was chilling. It was wrong then and is wrong now. Ontarions in Southern Ontario rely on this area for food, water and green space. Basics! Lire davantage

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I oppose any amendments to the current green belt. Too much beautiful and ecologically important land in southern Ontario has already been developed. The green belt was originally established as a way to preserve this land for future generations. Lire davantage

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Please do not do this. We need denser housing within the GTA, not more suburbs. Our housing crisis is because of outdated zoning and development laws, not a lack of land. Lire davantage

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I am opposed to the removal of the proposed lands from the Greenbelt. The proposed increase in housing supply could and should be achieved by instead increasing the dwelling density of existing built-up areas.

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Leave the Greenbelt green! Housing is very important, but can be built vertically in existing urban areas. Let’s get rid of surface parking lots please and make them garages under condo buildings that also include some affordable housing (subsidized if need be). Lire davantage

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Developing this land to enrich the already rich is shameful, embarrassing behaviour. What separates us from any other urban sprawling developed nation is our natural environment. Once you build on it, you can never go back. Lire davantage

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People need access to transit, services and infrastructure- expansion into the designated greenbelt to build housing puts people further away from these critical resources. Lire davantage

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What happened with The Greenbelt Plan? The set of policies that protects farmland, countryside, and natural areas, why the government wants to take portions of the protected lands? Lire davantage

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Very disappointed and angry with the Ford government for this move, and going back on a promise to leave the greenbelt as-is. You’ve cost yourself my vote and the votes of all of my colleagues. Lire davantage

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No more sprawl. No more commuter neighborhoods. Have we not heard by now that suburban neighborhoods are a blight that do not provide enough taxes to pay for themselves and only exist because urban dense neighborhoods pay for them. Lire davantage

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Most people don’t have any informed ideas about balancing environmental management and economic or infrastructure development. People with strong opinions speak from personal experience and are almost always wrong. Lire davantage

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This proposed legislation is directly in conflict with the promises of Doug Ford to not touch the Greenbelt and by doing so protect Ontario for future generations. Lire davantage

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This is environmentally sensitive land and does not address the issue for which is it being used. Affordable housing is needed, which is easily accomplished by increasing residential density within municipal limits. Lire davantage