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More homes do need to be built faster, but not at the expense of our precious Greenbelt. We have countless other options, and interrupting this tract of protected land is short-sighted and wrong-minded. Lire davantage

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How exactly is cutting up protected lands to encourage suburban sprawl the most effective strategy to solve our housing crisis? Toronto and the other cities of Ontario need rezoning for high density housing, where people want to work, and live. Lire davantage

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How many of these homes will be affordable homes. Ford and his buddies will just build multi million dollar homes for those that can afford it. Nothing in this plan says they have to make so many houses geared to income and nothing about green space or parks. Lire davantage

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Selling off this precious 'break from endless homes' is both short-sighted and self-serving. To balance this debauchery of a natural wonder by creating more protected land elsewhere is just a step in the wrong direction. What is next? Lire davantage

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More sprawl is not the answer neither is ruining the greenbelt with suburbia. Invest in high density living on the already existing residential land. Improve public transit within the gta. Construct new apartment buildings (not condos). Lire davantage

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What the Conservatives are doing is corruption and crony capitalism: Developers purchased plots of land at a steep discount because of the Greenbelt status. Developers donated vast sums to Doug Ford and the Conservative party. Doug lies to Ontario about protecting the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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It is important that allowing development of environmentally protected lands in the midst of a climate emergency is short-sighted, that we should be re-zoning single family residential areas to provide "missing middle" housing, and that this was rather clearly a cash grab from the politicians who ar Lire davantage

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I strongly oppose the amendment that removes or modifier of the green belt, given the short-sightedness of such a decision to "expand the housing" by sprawl in the midst of a climate disaster and misunderstanding of rebuilding our cities and towns to accomodate more people to attempt solving the hou Lire davantage

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The GTA does not need more sprawl. The solution is more density in areas that are already designated as urban areas. More sprawl means more sparsely spread infrastucture which is expensive to build and maintain as well as more impactful to watersheds and wildlife. Lire davantage

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I am strongly opposed to this proposal. We are in the midst of a climate crisis. We should be protecting the green belt, not opening it up for development. We should be building higher density housing in the urban centers, not expanding low density sprawl. Lire davantage

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This is cl blatant corruption. Selling out the people of Ontario for the benefit of the few. Why did these families buy this land if it was designated for agricultural use? Did they know that the Ford government would come through for them? Disgusting. Lire davantage

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Taking away 7, 400 acres of land from the greenbelt is a poor decision during the era of climate change. I understand Ontario wants to grant more affordable homes so that more of us can share the dream of raising a family and living close to the GTA. Lire davantage

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This should not be allowed. There is a reason these protections were put in place. This is not going to fix the housing crisis. Absolutely disgusted this even occurred. Stop while you can and protect our land.

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I see the maps but I don't see the plan ! I oppose new legislation because the projected land transfer seems be not a part of the plan which should take into account many factors, especially: 1. Where are the jobs? 2. Demographics & financial abilities of future inhabitants. Lire davantage