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You ur green belt is an important part of Ontario, tearing it apart will hurt farmers, the environment, and urban sprawl, as a Doug voter if this goes though the party and stabbed me in the back every way possible. Don’t develop the belt

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The Greenbelt is a unique treasure for all Ontarians to enjoy and explore. It should not be used as a space to build townhomes, of which we have loads. Please reverse this decision for the future of our province.

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I'm a math teacher in this province because I care about how the children of Ontario will grow up to be kind and wise with the skills they develop. I'm also at the start of my career and like many young adults, the dream of home ownership drifts further and further away. Lire davantage

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Considering the circumstances around this proposal, it seems borderline criminal that there isn't a call for more scrutiny. Ontario has plenty of land for development and this current plan appears to benefit nobody except the developers. Lire davantage

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This building plan must be stopped. The deal was already done before the people were made aware. Shame on the Ford’s Ontario Government for the years of cronyism and loopholes to let the friends get rich. Lire davantage

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This proposal is criminal, taking protected natural landscape and selling to developers to later remove protections so Doug Ford's friends can profit on a housing crisis. There are so many better ways to improve housing affordability without destroying important ecological areas. Lire davantage

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Building on the Greenbelt is a terrible idea that will lead to tremendous issues for decades to come including urban sprawl and flooding. Let's make existing areas with infrastructure more dense and not exploit our protected agricultural and environmental lands. -concerned citizen of Ontario

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I am dissiponted in this government, There have been a lot of voices saying that they don’t want to touch the Greenbelt,” Mr. Ford said then. “I govern through the people, I don’t govern through government. The people have spoken – we won’t touch the Greenbelt.” Lire davantage

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Please do not disturb the greenbelt. Disrupting such a critical environment for profit is short-sighted. We must use existing residential space to increase housing density instead. Approve multi-unit dwellings in more neighbourhoods. Lire davantage

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I feel very strongly about the environment, and the proposed development of the greenbelt, which includes the Oak Ridges Moraine, is a punch to the gut. I'm sure you feel the same way. We, as residents of southern Ontario need this green belt for environmental and social reasons. Lire davantage

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There needs to be an alternative to doing anything to the Greenbelt. Doug Ford promised NOT to touch the Greenbelt. For a government that has prided themselves on caring about farmers and businesses, this action on the Wetlands affect the farmers. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is crucial for the environment, and therefore our well-being. Destroying the green belt will cost both us & our environment long term & would be an ATROCITY. Nobody wants this!