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Not in favor. The amendment to greenbelt plan even if required seems to be a very hasty one and sends a signal that it is financially favored for some developers and of course there could be paybacks or financial and or political favors for the politicians. Lire davantage

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We are vehemently opposed to this and urge you not to develop on vital green belt space, increasing taxes and development on a community that cannot support or sustain it. Leave the green belt alone.

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The Greenbelt should be protected at all costs. This housing plan is short sighted and unnecessarily takes planning powers away from municipalities. This is a plan that only helps developers, and will be detrimental to Ontarians in the long run.

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The proposed housing is not affordable housing by any means whilst destroying what little green spac3 we have. It will cause I irreversible environmental damage without solving our most pressing housing issue. Seems to only benefit developers. Repeal immediately!

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I disagree with the approach that takes land away from the Greenbelt and then adds more somewhere else. So why not use the "added" lands for this housing proposal. Lire davantage

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Green like money Green like greed Green like naivity dressed in tweed Black hearts rising From their holes Holy land left in repose Kids no matter Papa wants fatter Pockets stuffed and made to tatter. Stuff them in The houses that is We want lakefront but give them coops. Lire davantage

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Why all the “Hands OFF the Greenbelt” protests? Common sense — or it should be! Reasons for opposition are right there in the name — the Greenbelt is a tightly-woven “belt.” Lire davantage

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Homes in the Greenbelt will be built for richer Ontarians who own cars, not for those that new housing is aimed at. Housing for new immigrants and those who are poorly housed should be close to the job market, smaller and cheaper to rent or own. Lire davantage

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This should not occur. The land switch is not equivalent. We need to protect the environment and prime agricultural land. This will increase pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. It wont achieve objectives which should be including being near transit. It wont help those cannot afford housing. Lire davantage

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I am appalled and deeply disappointed by the decision to remove protected lands from the Greenbelt for development. This government is prioritizing profit (mainly for developers who support this government) over the wants of Ontariens. Lire davantage