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I strongly oppose Bill 212. I don’t own a car, and biking is one of the most affordable and sustainable ways I get around Toronto. Removing bike lanes or restricting their development isn’t just anti-poor—it’s a shortsighted waste of taxpayers’ money. Lire davantage

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There are so many benefits to being able to cycle around the City of Toronto Safely. It is good for a person's health. It is good for the environment. It is generally faster than the TTC or going by car. I have just read through the City's response to Bill 212. Lire davantage

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It is so ridiculous that we are even talking about this. The premier is clearly using this as a vendetta for his own personal political views. Lire davantage

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It is disappointing as a cyclist living in downtown Toronto to read that you'd want to destroy an important means of transportation and safety for cyclists in the downtown core. I was feeling so good about the new bike lanes. Lire davantage

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This plan is clear government over reach and does not respect the taxpayers of Ontario. Why would any taxpayer want their money to be spent on undoing the efforts of another level of government? If there are fewer safe options to commute through the city, it will just create more car congestion. Lire davantage

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There's a significant amount of urban planning research that shows adding or re-adding lanes for cars will lead to identical gridlock in the next 3-5 years. Removing the bike lanes is a senseless waste of taxpayer dollars. - Paul E., Toronto Lire davantage

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Wasting millions of dollars to rip out bike lanes and forcing everyone to endure months of construction yet again is astounding. Adding more car lanes may ease gridlock for a short while, until more people start driving, then you're right back where you started. Lire davantage

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Removing the existing bike lanes would be a colossal waste of money! My wife and son use these bike lanes daily to get to school and work. Shame on Doug Ford. He is merely trying to get votes with this stunt of his Lire davantage

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I have worked and lived in downtown Toronto for the past several decades since my architectural studies at TMU and UofT. Weather permitted, I like to take my bike to do errands in downtown core. Lire davantage

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Bike lanes must be retained as part of our robust transportation infrastructure. They provide valuable options for people as they move in a city. Cycling is one of the most efficient modes of transportations from an energy and space perspective and should be favoured over car infrastructure. Lire davantage

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Bike lanes are the scapegoat of cowards. There's no evidence to suggest that bike lanes cause congestion. In fact, there's evidence that they help REDUCE it, as they allow people to feel safe enough to commute in a more space-efficient way than private vehicle. Lire davantage

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As I sit here, pondering the Bill 212, desire to get rid of Bike Lanes which at this time offer protection for cyclists. Mr. Lire davantage

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Weather conditions permitting I bike everyday to shop , go to work, medical appointments etc. I can't help noticing that the main cause of traffic congestion is the huge amount of lane closures for condo and other construction. Lire davantage

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Local governments are much better situated to make decisions regarding where bike lakes should be! Doug Ford has many good ideas but this one seems to be driven by some need to micro-manage Toronto's affairs. Lire davantage

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Cyclists have a right as road users to safety. Our lives matter. We are not to be sacrificed for the sake of car drivers. This bill removes the only safe North/south access to Ottawa’s downtown core for cyclists along O’Connor. Ottawa’s tax payers paid for this infrastructure. Lire davantage

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I've been driving a car since 1965, but I've been bicycling even longer. I rode through and around the city for years, until the pleasure of riding a bike was overwhelmed by fear of grievous bodily harm. Driving my car to see family and attend doctor's appointments had become the norm. Lire davantage

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DoFo has absolutely zero shred of evidence that his plan will provide long-term solutions. Lire davantage

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We need to preserve our bike lanes! Removing them would compromise safety for bikers and take us backward. Let’s strive for a forward-thinking, environmentally conscious city—not one dominated by cars. Bike lanes are essential for progress and a sustainable future.

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This bill will do nothing to stop gridlock, and only saves the governments time in its pursuit to harm cyclists and pave farmland.