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This is an awful proposal that seems to be a miserable tweak by this government to accommodate and foster more weapons activity and brutality with its reversal of a province-wide ban on new cruel and vile “train and trial areas,” where so-called "hunters" participate in the bloodsport of dog hunting Read more

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Instead of opening more contracts for horrible penned dog hunting facilities, the government should be closing down the facilities that remain and closing the book on government sanctioned animal cruelty.

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Opening applications for train and trial spaces after 25 years is a massive step backward into the past and barbarism. These facilities have no place in Ontario!! I'm sorry to learn that so many of these murderous disgusting facilities already operate in Ontario. Read more

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Sadly, Ontario is somehow considering allowing new penned dog hunting facilities for penned dog hunting - keeping foxes, coyotes and rabbits in enclosed pens where hunters train their dogs to hunt wildlife and run competitions. Read more

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Keeping wildlife captive for the sole purpose of allowing dogs to track and chase is inhumane. The fact there are sufficicient numbers of some species is irrelevant. No animal should have to spend its life being terrorized for the entertainment of hunters. Read more

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There is nothing good that comes from regressing into our animal torturing barbaric past. Humans DO NOT need to hunt to survive and they certainly don't need to transform the loyalty of canines to do their dirty work. I've found multiple hunting dogs shot and dumped out on the trails of Ontario. Read more

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This is no better than DOG FIGHTING. Ontario continues to take steps backwards in regards to Animal Welfare. We just got dog fighting and the the act of having sex with a dog! Outlawed but it took 150 years. Read more

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This is an inhumane practice that allows wild animals to essentially be tortured. The dogs that will use these penned areas to train will probably not be treated well either. They will be kept hungry so they want to attack the wolf animals trapped in the penned areas. Read more

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I firmly reject the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for train and trial areas in Ontario. As a business owner, I am truly shocked and appalled that my province would even consider this barbaric and ridiculous practice. Read more

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How can anyone with an ounce of compassion in their soul believe that trapping rabbits, foxes, etc. and then putting them in an enclosed area with no chance of escape, only to be torn apart by dogs has the right to be called "training in any way shape or form? Read more

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This is an incredibly cruel process. The hunted animals have no chance. No better than trophty hunting and especially canning. Lions are breed to be killed just for sport. Please dont allow these barbaric practices in Canada.

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I am against the use of wildlife as bait to train dogs. This proposed practice is horrific and cruel. Coyotes, foxes and rabbits and other wildlife are sentient and feel pain as human do. Read more

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How can a supposed civil government allow such a pathetically inhumane law. I cannot and will not agree to such cruel acts against these innocent animals. What are you thinking? Seriously? This is truly unacceptable.

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I oppose this proposal. Hunting animals is a barbaric practice and should not be brought back for game. We need to have more respect for our natural environment. Have we not learned anything? I oppose Proposal ERO Number 019-3685 completely.

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What is happening to this province? Why are we regressing to evil, inhumane, behaviours? This is a horrendous idea and even the thought of it should be shut down immediately! Ontario is no longer friendly to the environment, to its people, and now to its wildlife. Read more

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I am strongly opposed to the hunting of animals. It is regressive and cruel and should not be reinstated after 25 years. Instead of opening up new applications the province's existing 24 facilities need to be closed.