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This is a barbaric practice that causes pain, fear and torturous death to innocent creatures. We have laws in place to prevent cruelty and abuse, so why is this even being considered as “acceptable “? Even “normal” in this day and age when we are supposedly more aware? Read more

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Please do not proceed with this proposal. In fact, the provincial government should be cracking down on illegal "training and trialing" of dogs as stated in the government's concerns, not finding ways to allow more legal methods. In my opinion, the existing licenses should be revoked. Read more

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I am writing today to express my outrage about the training and trialing compounds proposal. Prior to a couple of weeks ago, I had no knowledge of the existence of something so violent. Read more

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I am writing to express my opposition to the proposal to reverse the ban on penned dog hunting in Ontario. This practice is cruel and inhumane, causing unnecessary suffering to coyotes, foxes, and rabbits who are used as live bait and subjected to terror and injury. Read more

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I firmly reject the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for train and trial areas in Ontario. Penned dog hunting facilities are cruel to the wild animals that are subjected to various methods used to train dogs to hunt. Read more

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Wild animals should not be used for the purpose of training or competitions, nor to exercise domesticated hunting dogs. I am certain that there are other, humane, methods that could be used to train and exercise these dogs. Read more

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York County Beagle Associate

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The York County Beagle Associate, offers our support of the governments changes regarding trial and training enclosure licenses and construction of new facilities. Armando Pazienza- President York County Beagle Associate

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I strongly oppose the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses, and the transfer of existing licenses, for dog train and trial areas in Ontario. Read more

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I strongly oppose the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses, and the transfer of existing licenses, for dog train and trial areas in Ontario. Penned dog hunting facilities are cruel to the wild animals used to train dogs to hunt. Read more

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Cruel and inhumane. Next step to murder, psychologists may say. We have science and technology...put these to use! Anyone who owns a pet would endorse research on alternate uses than what us proposed, possibly donate. Come on, we can do better than this!!!

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The reason why the use of live animals as bait in penned hunting (euphemistically called "train and trial areas") is banned everywhere else in Canada and most states in the US is because this type of "sport" hunting is recognized as cruel and barbaric. Read more

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Really?! A govt sanctioned place for dogs to kill helpless animals? This is what pre-occupies Doug Ford and his horrible band of buddies? Shame, deep shame on all involved in this utterly unnecessary cruelty.

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I think this proposal to make changes to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act to allow dogs to be trained to kill or hunt other animals is absolutely abhorrent. The thought of enclosing wild animals to be cruelly hunted and killed by dogs makes me sick. Have we reverted to another time?? Read more

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This is barbaric and is subjecting animals to undue suffering and abuse. It is not necessary and has no place in society. Let’s not take steps backward but continue forward with humane animal treatment.