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I am against all changes that would allow development in greenbelt protected land. Development will bring irrevocable damage to the Greenbelt — which the Premier promised to leave untouched. In the middle of a climate crisis, we cannot afford to be attacking wetlands, farmlands or our water. Read more

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I’m absolutely abhorred by the proposal to develop and build houses in greenbelt area. Citizens are looking to see how a developer is legally allowed to buy the land in the first place. Will do everything in our power to bring in a court case to halt this. Read more

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I’m writing to you today in support of the Greenbelt, Conservation Authorities and Ontario’s wetlands, woodlands and other natural areas. Firstly, I am writing to state my opposition to the proposal to remove 7,400 acres of land from the Greenbelt, which was revealed on November 04. Read more

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I am a thirteen year old, I don't think that the plan to develop the Greenbelt into suburbs is a good idea. The Greenbelt absorbs water to prevent flooding in cities, and is an important habitat for wildlife. In addition to this, the farmland helps grow food to feed the population.

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The removal of land from the greenbelt as well as the overiding of a municipalities to undertake local planning is not acceptable. Please withdraw the removal of lands from the greenbelt. This is not consistent with global challenges for sustainable communities or natural heritage. Read more

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I do not support this proposal. I live near the oak ridges moraine in Richmond Hill. This is an area i am extremely proud of due to the habitat it provides to the already limited wildlife in the area. I also enjoy walking the trails and the clean air due to the many trees there. Read more

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We NEED our parklands, our wetlands, and our conservation areas. Opening these protected areas to developers will only help a small number of the people of Ontario... mainly affluent ones, because they're the only people who can afford to buy new homes these days anyway. Read more

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I strongly object to this proposal to remove designated lands from the Greenbelt. This proposal breaks the promise of the Premier in the last two elections, and the promise of Ontario to future generations that this land would be preserved for farming, green space, and wildlife! Read more

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Thank you for having an open discussion regarding this proposal. The greenbelt is an irreplaceable,vitally important and picturesque landscape that should remain protected from short sighted poorly designed profit now pay later development. Read more

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I am a personal and professional advocate for affordable housing, and I am always eager for opportunities to increase the number of good-quality units available for sale and rent for families & singletons at no more than 40% of a single income at minimum wage. Read more