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I cannot believe that in this day and age any government would propose taking protected greenbelt land in any area of Ontario or Canada for building housing on it. Once land is paved and developed it has gone forever. We do need affordable housing but in serviced areas of the Cities and Towns. Read more

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Wildlife won’t move to the new areas. You can’t give birds and animals a map. We will loose them! The tender fruit areas should not be touched; it will create more supply issues and increase the cost of food. It would hurt our wine industry! I love Niagara peaches! The Greenbelt is sacred! Read more

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This is the worst idea ever. This will not solve the housing crisis it will only line the pockets of rich developers who were already tipped off about this deal by Doug Ford. Not to mention the cost to city coffers the loss of infrastructure charges etc. Read more

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This is criminal. You can’t just remove protected lands from the Greenbelt whenever you want. The greenbelt is protected for a reason, to keep corporate interests from destroying our environment. Selling the land to a bunch of shell corporations is not in the interest of Ontarians. Read more

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Opening up the Greenbelt to development is a policy error. The need to build more housing in Ontario is necessary for the future, but this is a mistake that will cater to the profits of developers and create housing that will cater to the upper classes. Read more

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Please do not make any changes to the Greenbelt. We need more Green areas to combat global warming. Land that has been allocated for the Greenbelt should stay that way. Please do not develop by constructing Roads, houses or any other Urban development. We need more trees & greenery. Thank you.

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Leave the greenelt alone. There is plenty of space within our cities to build actual affordable housing. This plan of unrestricted sprawl is not sustainable and does nothing to help the affordabe housing market. Along with the plan to cut developers fees the whoe thing becomes ludicrous

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Please do not remove land from the greenbelt. When the premier of Ontario was running for office he said he was listening to the people of Ontario and that he would not build on the greenbelt. Listen to the people of Ontario and protect the green belt. Read more

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Another broken promise by Doug Ford No mention of this in the election. No mandate to change a provincial TRUST! More money leaving the pockets of taxpayers and Municipalities and going into the pockets of Developers and friends of the Conservatives!!! Read more

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The green belt should not be used for housing development. 53% of the fruit acreage in Ontario comes from farms in the green belt. We need a sustainable future for the next generation. While I appreciate we are in a housing crisis this is not the way to tackle it.