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Just because this is practically a single party province does not mean that the public can be ignored. Building on any of the aquifers surrounding the Toronto region ignores science, public opinion and reason. Why do they want to contaminate or reduce the vital and precious ground water supply? Read more

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Please do not be short-termists and build on greenbelt. It has to be an investment for our generation, and future generations. The funding Premier Ford's party have received from some of the construction firms who stand to benefit from this seems worthy of investigation too.

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The passing of Bill 23 is one of the worst bills in my lifetime. The Government has opened up protected farmland that provide some of the best fruit and vegetables in the country. Opening this land up to developers to line their pockets will do nothing for the housing affordability in our Province. Read more

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I am addressing to the Bill 23 the greenbelt being destroyed to build homes. There is no reason to use the greenbelt to build homes. Building homes there is for the wealthy not for the poor and disadvantaged. You are destroying wetlands and eventually pollute the rest of the wetlands. Read more

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The Greenbelt is essential habitat for endangered and at risk species not to mention the thousands of other species that call it home. Green spaces are essential in providing environmental services that EVERYONE relies such as carbon sequestration, cleaning polluted air and water. Read more

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The GreenBelt must be preserved at all costs. This is the future of our province and of our future generations. The fact that developers have purchased land in the GreenBelt when they knew they could not build on it, and,now, suddenly, they are able to build on these lands reeks of corruption. Read more

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I would like to see some transparency as to how these 15 parcels of land were selected. Building on environmentally sensitive land may cause future homeowners to live in floodplains. Which will drive everyone's insurance cost up (if the insurance companies even offer insurance). Read more