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1. The ontario government has promised not to open the greenbelt for development and have since flipped your decision. How is that committment? Why should we trust that this is for the betterment of Ontario when the government does not show good faith. Read more

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This is stupid, the greenbelt needs to remain protected land or else the lands around will be subject to even more flooding and erosion. We need to built more houses and apartments in the Toronto core. Instead of bunch of empty condos going up we need rent controlled affordable housing

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This is ridiculous. Once these protected areas get destroyed for MORE housing, they’re gone forever. Instead of ruining the ecosystems, use the space we’re already occupying better. Make more multi level housing, get rid of huge parking lots. Read more

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I am completely against any dimunition of, tradeoff of, or construction of housing in the Greenbelt. Premier Ford reneges on his promises to protect the Greenbelt. Clearly his word is worthless. To add insult to injury...he claims there is a 'need' for this sprawl and blames it on 'immigration'. Read more

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The removal of this land is disgusting! Ford promised he wouldn’t do so and instead is going back on his word. To destroy land that we need to prevent flooding and protect wildlife. There is no need to remove this land in order to build more housing and to blame it on immigration is immoral.

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I strongly OPPOSE opening up the green belt any further in order to “accommodate new immigrants let in by the federal government “ . What a complete crock! All new Canadians will find their place and it doesn’t need to always be in an ever expanding poorly sustainable City like Toronto every time! Read more

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So the great plan here is to open up protected lands more prone to extreme weather events to build cheap condos and mcmansions as fast and shoddily as possible on land given away to millionaires that is marketed to people who are new here and won't know any better while the only ones who are going t Read more