Regulation detailing new Minister’s Permit and Review powers under the Conservation Authorities Act.

ERO number
Notice type
Conservation Authorities Act, R.S.O. 1990
Posted by
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Notice stage
Decision posted
Comment period
April 5, 2024 - May 6, 2024 (31 days) Closed
Last updated

This consultation was open from:
April 5, 2024
to May 6, 2024

Decision summary

A new regulation has been made specifying the circumstances under which the Minister of Natural Resources (“Minister”) may issue an order to make a permitting decision in place of a conservation authority or undertake a review of a conservation authority permitting decision.

Decision details

Conservation authorities regulate development and other activities through a permitting process under the Conservation Authorities Act and its regulations to protect people and property from natural hazards, such as flooding and erosion. Each conservation authority implements the permitting framework based on legislative and regulatory requirements and technical standards, as well as conservation authority board-approved policies.

New provisions in the Conservation Authorities Act came into effect on April 1, 2024, that included new powers for the Minister to 1) issue an order to prevent a conservation authority from issuing a permit and to take over the permitting process in the place of a conservation authority (“Minister’s permit”), and 2) review a conservation authority permit decision at the request of the applicant (“Minister’s review”).

A new regulation has been made which comes into effect January 1, 2025, that sets out the circumstances under which these Minister’s powers may be used and a process for requests for their use:

1)Minister’s permits

Existing requirements under section 28.1.1 of the Conservation Authorities Act regarding permits issued by the Minister include: 

  • The Minister may issue an order directing a conservation authority not to issue a permit to a specific individual to engage in a specified activity, or to persons who may wish to engage in a certain type or class of activity, that would be prohibited under section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act without a permit
  • The Minister’s decision to issue an order is discretionary, and it may be issued either before or after an application for a permit has been submitted to the relevant conservation authority
  • Notice of any order must be provided to affected conservation authorities, any person who applied for the permit in question prior to the order and be posted on the Environmental Registry of Ontario within 30-days of the order being made
  • If an order is made, the Minister has the power to issue a permit in place of the conservation authority. When making a permitting decision, the Minister is required to consider the same legislative criteria concerning natural hazards and public safety as conservation authorities
  • The Minister may refuse a permit or issue a permit subject to such conditions as the Minister determines appropriate.

The new regulation sets out the following additional requirements related to the use of the Minister’s permit power:

  • The Minister may make an order to prevent a conservation authority from making a permitting decision and take over the permitting process only if, in the opinion of the Minister, the specified activity or type or class of activity pertains to or supports one of the following matters of provincial interest:
    • The provision of housing
    • The provision of community services such as education long-term care, public health, recreation, security and safety or socio-cultural activities
    • The provision of infrastructure, including communication, transportation, waste management, electrical power, energy, sewage and water services and systems
    • The provision of employment opportunities through the establishment of manufacturing, industrial, agricultural, commercial or agricultural enterprises
    • Any other matter that, in the opinion of the Minister, is in the provincial interest
  • If an individual wishes to request that the Minister issue an order, the individual must submit a request to the Minister that includes the following information:
    • The requestor’s name and contact information, including if applicable the contact information of the requestor’s agent or representative
    • A summary of the proposed development activity or other activity (e.g., name, location, current and proposed land use, type of development activity or other activity, and identification of the applicable zoning)
    • An explanation of how the proposed activity pertains to or supports a matter of provincial interest
    • A summary of the steps that have been taken to date, if any, to apply for a permit with the conservation authority (e.g., pre-submission consultation, site visits)
    • Reasons why the issuance of an order by the Minister and applying for a Minister’s permit is the preferred approach, rather than applying to the conservation authority for a permit
    • A description of any licences, permits, approvals, permissions or other matters that would be required before the development or other activity could proceed and the status of obtaining those
    • Confirmation of local endorsement of the proposed development or of the submission of the request for an order (e.g., municipal resolution).
  • If a Minister’s order has been issued, and an application has not already been made to a conservation authority for a permit, an application would instead be submitted to the Minister in accordance with the Conservation Authorities Act that must include a fee in the same amount that would have been submitted to the applicable conservation authority, and the following information:
    • The applicant’s and, if applicable, agent’s or representative’s name and contact information
    • A plan of the area showing the type and location of the proposed development activity or other activity
    • The proposed use of any buildings or structures, or a statement of the purpose of the activity to be carried out
    • Start and completion dates for the development activity or other activity
    • Methods to be used in carrying out activities that alter or interfere with a watercourse or wetland
    • The elevations of any existing buildings and grades and the proposed elevations of any buildings and grades after the development activity
    • Details of existing and proposed drainage
    • A description of any fill to be placed or dumped
    • Confirmation the applicant is authorized to carry out the proposed development activity or other activity on the subject property, if the applicant is not the owner
    • Any other technical information, studies or plans that the Minister requests
  • Upon receipt of the information required for an application, and the payment of any applicable fee that is required to be paid to the Minister, the Minister shall notify the applicant in writing whether or not the application is deemed to be a complete application within 21-days.

2) Minister’s reviews

Existing requirements under the Conservation Authorities Act relating to requests for review under section 28.1 for conservation authority permits and section 28.1.2 for permits issued under an order made by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing under section 47 of the Planning Act include: 

  • An applicant who has been refused a permit or had conditions attached to a permit by a conservation authority to which they object can, within 15-days of receiving reasons for the conservation authority’s decision, submit a request to the Minister to review the conservation authority’s decision. Alternatively, an applicant also has the option to appeal the conservation authority’s decision to the Ontario Land Tribunal
  • After receiving a request, the Minister must provide a reply to the applicant within 30-days indicating whether or not the Minister’s intends to conduct the review. If the Minister decides to conduct the review, a notice shall be posted on the Environmental Registry within 30-days of the reply indicating the decision to conduct the review. If the Minister does not reply within 30-days of the request, this is deemed to indicate that the Minister does not intend to conduct a review
  • After conducting a review, the Minister may confirm or vary the conservation authority’s decision or make any decision that the Minister considers appropriate, including issuing the permit subject to conditions
  • The Minister is required to base the decision on the same legislative criteria concerning natural hazards and public safety that are considered by conservation authorities

The new regulation sets out the following additional requirements related to the use of the Minister’s review power:

  • The Minister may conduct a review of a conservation authority permit decision only if, in the opinion of the Minister, the proposed development activity or other activity pertains to or supports one of the following matters of provincial interest:
    • The provision of housing
    • The provision of community services such as education long-term care, public health, recreation, security and safety or socio-cultural activities
    • The provision of infrastructure, including communication, transportation, waste management, electrical power, energy, sewage and water services and systems
    • The provision of employment opportunities through the establishment of manufacturing, industrial, agricultural, commercial or agricultural enterprises
    • Any other matter that, in the opinion of the Minister, is in the provincial interest

Note: This requirement does not apply in the case of a request for the Minister to review the conditions on a permit issued where a Minister’s Zoning Order has been made by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing under the Planning Act.

  • A request for the Minister to review a conservation authority’s permitting decision, including any proposed conditions on a permit to which the applicant objects, would be required to include the following information:
    • The requestor’s name and contact information, including if applicable the contact information of the requestor’s agent or representative
    • A copy of the complete application that was submitted to the conservation authority
    • A copy of the written reasons for the conservation authority’s decision that was provided to the applicant
    • If the request relates to conditions imposed by the conservation authority to which the applicant objects, identification of the conditions that are subject to the request for review, the changes requested to the conditions, including any request for the removal of a condition, and the rationale to support the requested changes
    • If the request relates to a conservation authority’s decision to refuse a permit, the rationale in support of requesting that the Minister varies the decision and issues the permit, with or without conditions
    • A summary of the proposed development activity or other activity (e.g., project name, location, current and proposed land use, development or activity type and identification of the applicable zoning)
    • An explanation of how the proposed activity pertains to or supports a matter of provincial interest, unless the request relates to a permit that was issued where a Minister’s Zoning Order has been made
    • Reasons why a review by the Minister would be preferable to appealing to the Ontario Land Tribunal
    • Confirmation of local endorsement, if any, of the proposed development or other activity
    • A description of any licences, permits, approvals, permissions or other matters that would be required before the development activity or other activity could proceed and the status of obtaining them

Comments received

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Effects of consultation

The Ministry of Natural Resources received a total of 80 responses during the proposal period. Feedback was collected from members of the public, municipalities and municipal organizations, conservation authorities, the development and agricultural sectors, and environmental non-governmental organizations, as well as Indigenous communities. In addition, over 2,900 form letters were received.

The majority of the comments expressed opposition or brought up concerns regarding the use of the Minister’s powers in general, including due to the possibility for favouritism and politicization of permitting, the creation of duplicative, more costly and potentially less timely processes compared to conservation authority permitting and existing appeals to the Ontario Land Tribunal, the potential for decisions to be inconsistent with local planning matters, and the loss of local watershed and technical expertise to make decisions which could have a negative impact on the management of natural hazards and increase costs for municipalities. Some comments also raised questions about how the powers would be implemented.

Feedback received expressed mixed opinions about the proposed regulation in particular. There was general support for limiting the circumstances for the use of the Minister’s powers, however many commentors stressed the need for further clarity regarding the process for how decisions would be made under the Minister’s powers processes. Additionally, there was feedback received to include energy-related infrastructure and facilities as part of the list of topics that could be considered provincial interest.

Some comments received were not related to the proposal or the new Minister’s powers and raised other concerns with conservation authority permitting.

All comments received were considered in making a decision on this proposal. The regulation in question will govern Minister’s powers that are already in place under the Conservation Authorities Act, and the decision to proceed with a regulation that sets out the circumstances under which these Minister’s powers may be used and a process for requests for their use will help to ensure they are used in a responsible and transparent manner.  The following changes were made to the regulation based on the feedback received:

  • The list of matters of provincial interests was expanded to include other types of infrastructure, such as energy infrastructure
  • Requests made to the Minister for the use of the Minister’s permit power must provide confirmation of local endorsement of the proposed activity such as a letter from the affected municipality or a municipal resolution
  • Requests for a Minister’s review may choose to provide confirmation of local endorsement


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MNR – PD – Development and Hazard Policy Branch

300 Water Street, 2nd Floor, South Tower
Peterborough, ON
K9J 8M5

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Original proposal

ERO number
Notice type
Conservation Authorities Act, R.S.O. 1990
Posted by
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Proposal posted

Comment period

April 5, 2024 - May 6, 2024 (31 days)

Proposal details

Conservation authorities regulate development and other activities through a permitting process under the Conservation Authorities Act for the purposes of natural hazard management and to protect people and property from natural hazards, such as flooding and erosion. Each conservation authority implements the permitting framework based on provincial legislation, regulatory requirements, and technical standards, as well as conservation authority board-approved policies that outline how the conservation authority administers regulations locally.

Recently proclaimed provisions in the Conservation Authorities Act and associated regulations came into effect on April 1, 2024, including new powers for the Minister to 1) issue an order to prevent a conservation authority from issuing a permit and to take over the permitting process in the place of a conservation authority, and 2) review a conservation authority permit decision at the request of the applicant.  

The Ministry is proposing a regulation which would set out the circumstances under which these powers could be used. If the regulation is approved, public guidance would be made available on the criteria and processes outlined in the regulation.


  1. Permits issued by the Minister

Existing requirements under the Conservation Authorities Act regarding permits issued by the Minister under section 28.1.1 include:

  • The Minister may issue an order directing a conservation authority not to issue a permit to a specific individual to engage in a specified activity, or to persons who may wish to engage in a certain type or class of activity, that would be prohibited under section 28 without a permit.
  • The Minister’s decision to issue an order is discretionary, and it may be issued either before or after an application for a permit has been submitted to the relevant conservation authority.
  • Notice of any order must be provided to affected conservation authorities, any person who applied for the permit in question prior to the order and be posted on the Environmental Registry of Ontario (ERO) within 30-days. 
  • If an order made, the Minister has the power to issue a permit in place of the conservation authority. When making a permitting decision, the Minister is required to satisfy the same criteria concerning natural hazards and public safety that are considered by conservation authorities. This includes whether the activity is likely to affect the control of flooding, erosion, dynamic beaches or unstable soil or bedrock. It also must consider whether the activity is likely to create conditions or circumstances that, in the event of a natural hazard, might jeopardize the health or safety of persons or result in the damage or destruction of property.
  • The Minister may refuse the permit or issue a permit subject to such conditions as the Minister determines are appropriate.

Proposed additional requirements that would be set out in regulation include:

  • The Minister may make an order to prevent a conservation authority from making a permitting decision and take over the permitting process only if the development activity or type or class of permits pertains to or supports a specified provincial interest, including:
    • Housing (community, affordable and market-based)
    • Community services (health, long-term care, education, recreation socio-cultural, security and safety, environment)
    • Transportation infrastructure
    • Buildings that facilitate economic development or employment
    • Mixed use developments
  • If a proponent wishes to petition the Minister to issue an order, the proponent must submit a request to the Minister that would include information on:
    • Overview of proposed development.
    • Why the Minister’s involvement is requested (e.g., development of provincial interest, timing/urgency; permitting process to date if applicable; other barriers) and preferable to the standard process in the Conservation Authorities Act.
    • Indication of whether the local municipality has endorsed the project and the request for Minister’s involvement (e.g., by municipal letter or resolution).
    • Status of other required project approvals including the extent of any engagement with the conservation authority in the permitting process that the applicant has had to date.
  1. Permits reviewed by the Minister

Existing requirements under the Conservation Authorities Act relating to requests for review under section 28.1.2 regarding permits where there is an order made by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing under section 34.1 or 47 of the Planning Act and section 28.1 regarding all other conservation authority permits include:

  • An applicant who has been refused a permit or had conditions attached to a permit by a conservation authority to which the applicant objects can, within 15-days of receiving reasons for the authority’s decision, submit a request to the Minister for the Minister to review the authority’s decision. Alternatively, an applicant also has the option to appeal the authority’s decision to the Ontario Land Tribunal.
  • After receiving a request, the Minister has 30-days in which to decide whether or not they intend to conduct a review. If the Minister decides to conduct the review. a notice shall be posted on the ERO within 30-days of a reply indicating the Minister intends to review the decision by the authority. If the Minister does not reply within 30-days of the request, this is deemed to indicate that the Minister does not intend to conduct a review.
  • After conducting a review, the Minister may confirm or vary the authority’s decision or make any decision that the Minister considers appropriate, including issuing the permit subject to conditions. 
  • The Minister is required to base the decision on same criteria concerning natural hazards and public safety that are considered by conservation authorities. This includes whether the activity is likely to affect the control of flooding, erosion, dynamic beaches or unstable soil or bedrock. It also must consider whether the activity is likely to create conditions or circumstances that, in the event of a natural hazard, might jeopardize the health or safety of persons or result in the damage or destruction of property.

Proposed additional requirements that would be set out in regulation include:

  • The Minister may conduct a review of a conservation authority permit decision only if the development activity pertains to or supports a development of specified provincial interest, including:
    • Housing (community, affordable and market-based)
    • Community services (health, long-term care, education, recreation socio-cultural, security and safety, environment)
    • Transportation infrastructure
    • Buildings that facilitate economic development or employment
    • Mixed use developments

Note: This criteria would not apply to permit reviews under section 28.1.2 regarding permits where there is an order made by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing under section 34.1 or 47 of the Planning Act

  • The request submitted to the Minister for a review would include information on:
    • Overview of proposed development.
    • If the request relates to conditions imposed by the conservation authority to which the applicant objects, identification of the specific conditions that are subject to the request for review, the changes requested to the conditions and the rationale in support of the requested changes.
    • If the request relates to an authority’s decision to refuse a permit, the rationale in support of requesting that the Minister varies the decision and issues the permit.
    • Why the Minister’s involvement is requested (e.g., development of provincial interest, timing/urgency; permitting process to date; other barriers) and preferable to alternative mechanisms in the Conservation Authorities Act.
    • Indication of whether the local municipality has endorsed the project and/or the request for Minister’s involvement (e.g., by municipal letter or resolution).
    • Status of other required project approvals.

Regulatory impact analysis

By clearly communicating the circumstances under which the Minister would consider whether to issue an order to prevent a conservation authority from making a permitting decision and to make permitting decisions in place of a conservation authority or to review a conservation authority permitting decision, this proposal would ensure that development proponents pursue the appropriate permitting channel. Efficiently navigating the permitting process is expected to help save proponents time and resources. We expect that there will be some minor administrative costs for development proponents based on the time needed to learn about and understand the proposed changes.    

Supporting materials

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Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.

Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.

MNRF - RPDPB - Resources Development Section

300 Water Steet
2nd Floor South
Peterborough, ON
K9J 3C7


Commenting is now closed.

This consultation was open from April 5, 2024
to May 6, 2024

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Conservation Authorities and Natural Hazards Section

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Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry - RPDPB

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Peterborough, ON
K9J 3C7

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