New Proposal for An Electricity Energy Efficiency Programming to Promote Beneficial Electrification

ERO number
Notice type
Posted by
Ministry of Energy
Notice stage
Decision posted
Comment period
November 8, 2024 - December 8, 2024 (30 days) Closed
Last updated

This consultation was open from:
November 8, 2024
to December 8, 2024

Decision summary

We issued a Minister’s Directive to the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) requiring them to implement a 12-year electricity conservation and demand-side management (eDSM) Framework starting January 1, 2025, which includes a budget of up to $10.9 billion for the IESO to deliver a portfolio of electricity energy efficiency (EE) programs.

Decision details

Note: this decision notice refers to details and effects of consultation for two ERO postings, specifically posting 019-9235 for the eDSM Framework, and posting 019-9373 on EE programs to promote beneficial electrification. The two postings are related to one another as the beneficial electrification programs are funded through the eDSM Framework to help reduce energy use, cut on emissions, and save Ontarians money.

The Minister of Energy and Electrification (Ministry) issued a Minister’s directive (approved by Order in Council 1448/2024 dated November 7, 2024, as amended pursuant to Order-in-Council 1737/2024 dated December 19, 2024) to the IESO to implement a 12-year eDSM Framework starting January 1, 2025, which is extendable subject to necessary approvals, and includes a budget of up to $10.9 billion for the IESO to design, coordinate, fund, and deliver a portfolio of EE programs.

With demand for clean, reliable and affordable energy surging as a result of historic investments, new homes and electrification, the government is expanding Ontario’s electricity EE programs to continue to help families and businesses reduce their energy usage and save money on bills. Electricity EE programs are a valuable “no-regrets” action to help meet Ontario’s growing electricity demand and ensure a reliable affordable, and clean electricity system.

On July 23, 2023, the Ministry posted a voluntary notice about the future of energy efficiency programs post 2024. The posting received broad support, including endorsement of a longer-term framework and inclusion of non-traditional electricity efficiency measures such as distributed energy resources (DER) and beneficial electrification (BE).

On October 4, 2024, the Minister posted a follow-up proposal to the ERO for a new 2025–2036 electricity EE framework (also known as an electricity demand-side management or “eDSM” framework) building on the feedback received as part of the 2023 consultation.

On November 8, 2024, the Minister posted a proposed amendment to the EE Framework seeking stakeholder feedback on a new proposal for EE programming to promote BE – the use of electricity instead of other fuels to reduce overall energy use and overall emissions and increase ways to save Ontarians money.

In total, consultations received 70 submissions (42 for ERO notice # 019-9235 and 28 for ERO notice # 019-9373), from industry associations and organizations, municipalities, LDCs, activist groups, Indigenous groups, public institutions, and individuals.

Stakeholder feedback shows strong support for key elements of the new framework, specifically a longer framework duration and expansion of EE programming especially for municipalities, DERs, BE measures, more utility/local distribution company (LDC) involvement, collaboration with natural gas programs, and equitable access for all consumer segments, including low-income households and First Nation communities.

Stakeholders also advocated for improved data accessibility for customers and ensuring that the IESO’s three-year program planning reflect the best available information about the EE market. With respect to BE measures and programming, stakeholders emphasized the importance of managing the pace of electrification to ensure consumer protection and grid preparation.

The new framework addresses the areas of feedback, including, but not limited to, a longer framework term, expanded programming and extension of offerings to more customers, as well as a funding program for LDC involvement to support and deliver EE programs). The new framework also has considerable flexibility to enable continued evolution of programs to address changes in customer and system needs, as well as outstanding areas of feedback or concern.

In designing the new framework, the ministry considered the feedback received and is striking a balance between the consumer, electricity system and economic benefits of EE programs, while ensuring a net system benefit to ratepayers over the 12-year term. The programs are expected to achieve an overall nominal net system savings of $12.2 billion over 24 years. Below are the expected outcomes related to the decision on this proposal.

Support Affordability

  • The expansion of residential program offerings will help the 2025–2036 EE Framework serve more consumers than the 2021–2024 Conservation and Demand-Management (CDM) framework.
  • Enhanced programming will further provide more customer choice by including beneficial electrification measures to help reduce overall energy use, emissions and costs, beginning with a focus on residential consumers and expanding to all consumer segments.
  • The framework renews the commitment for equitable access to electricity efficiency programs for income-eligible consumers and for on-reserve First Nation programming.
  • The long-term framework design and inclusion of new measures such as DERs ensure programs can be responsive and grow in capacity and capability along with the needs of Ontario electricity consumers.

Optimize Delivery

  • The new framework seeks to drive higher participation and improve the customer experience by simplifying access to programs through the creation of a single delivery window for electricity and natural gas residential programs.
  • The twelve-year framework (with possible extensions subject to necessary approvals) and closer cooperation with LDCs will help improve customer awareness and engagement and ensure that consumers can make long-term plans using programs that cost-effectively meet their needs and the needs of Ontario’s electricity grid.

Next Steps

The IESO will outline program details on the Save on Energy website. The IESO is obligated to publish a plan in three-year cycles that will outline the budgets and forecasted electricity and demand savings targets by program. The first 2025–2027 plan will be published by February 1, 2025, and every other subsequent plan before January 1 of the first year of the three-year period covered by the plan.

The IESO will also continue to engage stakeholders on the design of future energy efficiency programs for on-reserve First Nation communities in Ontario.

Comments received

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Effects of consultation

In general, the Ministry heard broad support for energy efficiency programs to help achieve greater energy and cost savings for electricity consumers in an equitable and effective manner, as well as to help address electricity capacity needs, improve the customer experience for all programs, including for First Nations programs, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by using our energy sources more efficiently.

These areas were also reflected in consultation on beneficial electrification, with the added acknowledgement of the careful management required to support increased load on the electricity grid and consideration of impacts on different energy ratepayer groups.

As a result of certain comments received, the Ministry is engaging with key delivery entities and stakeholders such as the IESO, OEB, and Enbridge Gas Inc. to ensure customers are equipped with information they need to access programs easily and effectively. The Ministry is also working with these entities and stakeholders to consider ongoing program and planning opportunities to ensure that underserved consumer segments have access to EE incentives, and that the framework as a whole is managed effectively through the three-year program cycles and a formal mid-term review of the EE framework.

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Original proposal

ERO number
Notice type
Posted by
Ministry of Energy
Proposal posted

Comment period

November 8, 2024 - December 8, 2024 (30 days)

Proposal details


Ontario currently offers a suite of electricity energy efficiency (EE) programs that are funded through electricity rates to address electricity system needs and help customers reduce their electricity consumption and bills.

On October 4, 2024, the Ministry of Energy and Electrification (ENERGY) posted a proposal to the Environmental Registry of Ontario (ERO) regarding an electricity EE framework to launch in 2025 that would support affordability, optimize delivery and launch new programs to provide more customer choice and savings while also helping to address Ontario’s growing electricity needs.

On October 23, 2024, ENERGY posted a proposal to the ERO which outlined legislative amendments to the Electricity Act, 1998 that would enable the IESO to administer enhanced energy efficiency programs that support beneficial electrification (BE) – the use of electricity instead of other fuels to reduce overall energy use and emissions and subsequently reduce costs for high consumption activities such as home heating and cooling, regardless of fuel type.


ENERGY is now seeking feedback on the proposed BE programming that would be delivered by the IESO starting in 2025, if the required legislative amendments are approved by the Legislature and associated regulatory instruments receive all required internal approvals. This programming would be coordinated with other EE programs offered by the IESO and would be targeted towards offering electricity measures non-electric end-uses (such as electrification of space and water heating).

This programming would be funded through electricity rates to provide direct assistance to customers to participate in electrification and help reduce their overall energy costs and emissions.

Environmental Impact

The ministry considered its statement of environmental values in application to the proposed BE programming.

BE programming would provide incentives to adopt clean electricity measures for use in daily life and provide consumers with more options to reduce their overall energy use without compromising comfort while reducing their energy bills and carbon footprint.

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Commenting is now closed.

This consultation was open from November 8, 2024
to December 8, 2024

Connect with us


Gabriel Weekes

Ministry of Energy and Electrification, Conservation and Renewable Energy Division

77 Grenville Street
Toronto, ON
M7A 2C1