Power-Assisted Bicycle (E-Bike) Redefinition

ERO number
Notice type
Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990
Posted by
Ministry of Transportation
Notice stage
Decision Updated
Decision posted
Comment period
May 13, 2021 - June 12, 2021 (30 days) Closed
Last updated

Update Announcement

This proposal notice has been updated on March 13, 2023 to advise the public that this file is still under active review. The ministry is reviewing the comments it has received to date, along with additional stakeholder engagements. The Ministry of Transportation is continuing to work closely with stakeholders to meet their and Ontarians needs related to e-bikes. The original proposal date and comment period have not been altered.

This consultation was open from:
May 13, 2021
to June 12, 2021

Decision summary

The Ministry of Transportation has decided to no longer proceed with the following proposed e-bike amendments. At this time, the Ministry is proposing to create regulation making authority under the Highway Traffic Act to allow for e-bikes to be categorized into distinct classes with specific operator and vehicle safety requirements.

Decision details

Feedback from this posting, as well as 019-2745 and 019-3534, has been thoroughly considered in determining the province’s next steps for exploring the redefinition of e-bikes. Following ongoing stakeholder engagement and public feedback, the Ministry has decided on May 16, 2024 not to proceed with this proposal.

The Ministry is proposing to create regulation making authority under the Highway Traffic Act to redefine e-bikes within regulation. Establishing a regulation making authority will better equip the Ministry to effectively respond to the continually evolving e-bike marketplace and ensure safety for not only the present but also for the future. While this proposal marks a step toward redefinition, it's important to highlight that further consultations will occur once a future proposal, encompassing vehicle and operator safety requirements, is finalized.

Comments received

Through the registry


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Effects of consultation

Following the Ministry's review of feedback received, it was determined that stakeholder and public reaction received through this posting were mixed.

Positive comment themes included supporting the categorization of e-bikes within three subclasses and minimizing licence, insurance and registration.

Negative comments were specific to concerns with redefining e-bikes and imposing stronger requirements on operators (i.e., licence, insurance, and registration).

Additional feedback included comments on vehicle requirements such as wheel width or diameter, throttles and buttons, and appropriate maximum weight for e-bike models.

This feedback, along with feedback received through ongoing stakeholder engagement, has led to the Ministry's decision to no longer proceed with this proposal. As the Ministry moves forward with the proposal to establish regulation-making authority for redefining e-bikes within regulation, the insights gathered from this feedback will continue to be considered.  

Furthermore, please be assured that the Ministry will continue to consider the valuable feedback received through this posting as it receives further public feedback from posting Safer Roads and Communities Act, 2024 – Establishing Regulation Making Authority to Redefine E-bikes.

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Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.

Road Safety Program Development Office

87 Sir William Hearst Avenue, Building A, Room 202
Toronto, ON
M3M 0B4

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Original proposal

ERO number
Notice type
Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990
Posted by
Ministry of Transportation
Proposal posted

Comment period

May 13, 2021 - June 12, 2021 (30 days)

Proposal details

This proposal would update the definition of e-bikes in response to the repeal of the federal definition on February 19, 2021 to continue to permit traditional bicycle style e-bikes, and add two sub-classes of e-bikes, which will capture moped and motorcycle styles separately. This proposal supports MTO in delivering key priorities to increase transit ridership through assisting with first- and last-mile transit, support greenhouse gas reductions and climate change initiatives by increasing e-bike ridership and promote road safety by responding to safety concerns from municipalities and enforcement regarding larger e-bikes interacting with vulnerable road users including pedestrians.

Supporting materials

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Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.

Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.

Road Safety Program Development Office

87 Sir William Hearst Avenue, Building A, Room 212
Toronto, ON

Office phone number


Commenting is now closed.

This consultation was open from May 13, 2021
to June 12, 2021

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