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This is absolutely insane. This will not help with our housing dilemma unless you mandate that the builders build affordable housing and forfeit their profits. This is so screwed up and blatant back scratching. I’m embarrassed I voted PC and will likely not ever again. Read more

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I am an ontarian who is moving to the GTA. Our Green spaces are precious, the greenbelt houses valuable wetland and forests that are home to diverse ecosystems. Yes there is a housing shortage but we do not need more car dependent suburbs full of single family dwellings. Read more

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The amount of land already designated for development within existing municipal settlement boundaries far exceeds what is needed to meet long-range housing targets. This is crazy when almost everyone is concerned about the environment and our politicians flip their support of their constituents. Read more

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If we can’t accommodate the projected population growth without removing land from the Greenbelt then find another way. What other avenues have been explored? Can we limit the size of single family dwellings that are being built? Insist on multi-residential units? Read more

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We need green spaces and farms, we need recreation and clean air. We need fresh water, habitat protection and to continue to work towards positive changes that will help us during this climate crisis. It is horrible to tap into those resources. Leave the greenbelt, it's not replaceable.

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The Greenbelt cannot be replaced. It is an extremely important natural resource, and is home to a valuable ecosystem. Please consider other solutions to solve the space problem. Developing the greenbelt will have long-lasting and far-reaching devastating consequences. Read more

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I'm not one for long detailed stories but as someone who lives and grew up near the greenbelt the thought of destroying it for more detached suburbs is nonsensical and abhorrent to me if you really wanted to solve the housing crisis that affects younger people like me you wouldn't be doing this as i Read more