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Incredibly irresponsible and short-sighted. Great way to line Doug Ford's donors pockets and help the rich become richer. There is plenty of other land available to develop, there is absolutely no reason to destroy such an important ecological feature of Ontario. Read more

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This proposal is an absolute sham and borderline criminal. It is particularly insulting as it stands to enrich developpers with NO GUARANTEE of benefits to the public. PUBLIC LAND SHOULD SERVE THE PUBLIC. If it is to be developped, it should be guaranteed community housing / afforbable housing. Read more

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I am completely disgusted with this decision. I've lived in Ontario my whole life and for the first time think I might move. I will do everything in my power to convince friends, family, and anyone I meet to never vote Conservative again. This was a step too far.

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I am against expansion into the green belt. Please consider the "Report of the Ontario Housing Affordability Task Force" and consider changing the intent to build single-occupancy homes and instead build multi-occupancy homes. The current urban sprawl in the GTA is not efficiently using its land. Read more

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Urban sprawl is terrible for the environment and traffic. Preserve our green space and density existing urban areas. Doug Fords reversal of his campaign promises has turned me away from this government and he cannot rely on my vote again come election.