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It is greatly concerning that this legislation was put into place that has a clear connection to PC party donors. The corruption associated with this legislation will forever stain Ontario, and will put municipalities at financial risk, and Ontarians at risk of further homelessness. Read more

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Not only are our green lands important and should be protected, but spreading housing across more land will only hurt the walkability of already car dependant suburbs. We should be building upwards, not outwards, and focusing on good urban planning over the development of precious natural land. Read more

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Build affordable mid density housing on or close to existing public transit nodes. Keep farmland available for feeding expected increase in population. With climate and water issues in California we must protect and support our own local food supply.

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(1) You are enriching developers on the backs of current homeowners. Passing development costs along by forcing municipalities to raise property taxes is wrong. Your government has declared war on homeowners and this is a fight that your government will not win. Read more

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Why are comment open until December 4th but the bill was passed November 24th? This bill does not serve the people! Developer fees are in place to pay for the infrastructure required for further developments. Why are tax payers paying this fee while developers make all the money?

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A range of concerns arise from the government's decision to develop the Greenbelt for housing: Firstly, debate in the provincial leslgislature has been cut short on the bill, an afront to democracy. There are legitimate questions around backroom dealings with developers. Read more

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I think you know EXACTLY how most of us feel about you developing the Green Belt. We made it very clear while you were running for office. You said "the people have spoken, we have listened, we will not touch the Green Belt". Remember that? Read more

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I'm greatly disappointed in Ontario's plan to bulldoze through our Greenbelt to benefit developers at the cost of our environment and planet. Urban sprawl is not the answer to our housing crisis and we need to modernize our existing city boundaries with higher density housing and improved transit.

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Although I doubt this comment will change anything, as the government has already made its mind up, but I am a Conservative voter who absolutely condemns Bill C23 and the removal of Greenbelt land. How is it protected land if you are just going to reassign it? Read more