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The Green Belt is a legacy for future generations who will pay dearly for the environmental degradation and destruction that people living now and in the past have inflicted on them. The very least we can do is continue to protect this precious green space. Read more

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Strongly against the destruction of ecologically significant and sensitive land that cannot be replaced. The land quality being replaced is not of equal value. The town of Erin was not properly consulted. The Greenbelt provides homes for sensitive species. Read more

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Farmland, woodlots, and green spaces are valuable and irreplaceable to society. Removal of farmland especially is a threat to food security for ourselves, and the rest of Canada Both presently and for future generations. Once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. Read more

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It seems to me that nobody is happy about this proposal, excepting those who would benefit from the exploitation of some of the last greenspaces left in Southern Ontario. What makes cities desirable to live in, thereby increasing home value, is the access to healthy green spaces. Read more

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As a Professional Engineer under the Province of Ontario, Greenbelt lands cannot be swapped with other lands as a form of equivalence. Opening the Greenbelt for development will have lasting longterm detrimental effects on our drinking water and air quality. Read more

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"We are going to make sure we keep every single promise", "I was clear during the campaign. I listened to the people and we are not touching the Greenbelt. We will protect it and all its beauty" - Doug Ford June, 2022. I didn't realize promises and people meant to his developer friends. Read more

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This entire bill is an affront to decades of careful planning. It will radically change how our communities look, regress us in terms of good planning practices. There is more than enough land in urban areas. Including Torontos north and east ends of North York and Scarborough. Read more

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As resident of Hamilton I view the proposed changes to the Greenbelt as utterly ineffective in achieving the stated goals. If the government wants to work on the housing crisis there are many options that don't include impinging on prime agricultural land. Read more